
الثلاثاء، 21 مارس 2017

60 منحة دكتوراه بألمانيا 
طب بشري وبيطري و علوم طبيعيه  (كيمياء -فيزياء- جيولوجيا- فضاء- وعلوم الأرض)

Hannover Biomedical Research School, as part of Hannover Medical School

(MHH), invites applications for the above PhD studentships, to commence in
October 2017. The three-year study programs, taught in English, are aimed at
post-graduates in Medicine, Veterinary Medicine as well as those from Life
Science fields. The PhD program “Regenerative Sciences” is also open to
students from the various disciplines of Natural and Materials Sciences. 

As well as working on a research project, students also attend seminars, lab and
soft-skill courses, congresses and summer schools. Successful candidates will be awarded a PhD, alternatively Dr. rer. nat. Scholarships are fully funded by
the DFG (Excellence Initiative), MHH and partner institutes.

We are looking for highly-motivated candidates who have an active interest in
one of the fields associated with one or more of the programs on offer.

Excellent written and spoken English skills are required. With nearly two thirds
of our students coming from outside Germany, international applicants are

Deadline for completed applications is April 1st, 2017. Online applications are invited at www.mh-hannover.de/hbrs.html

MD/PhD “Molecular Medicine”: The program aims to form a bridge between
Science and the Clinic, in research as well as in teaching. 

PhD Infection Biology: Students focus on the main topics in Infection, Immunology, Microbiology, Virology and Cell Biology.

PhD Regenerative Sciences: Research and teaching concentrate on basic
topics in regenerative sciences, regeneration of the 4 organ systems covered in the Cluster of Excellence REBIRTH, additional organ systems, enabling technologies, reg ulations and processes involved in translation from bench to bedside, ethics.

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